Saturday, October 30, 2010




Tuesday, October 26, 2010

NINE mintak maap

xde mood nk bcakap...
trase ati ngan suma...
lau ckp xdpedulikan..
lau ckp wat org len saket ati....

better shut your mouth nine....

to all yg trase ati...
nine mntak maap byk2
bkn xnk layan...
cuma xde mende nk ckp.....

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Follow through
Make your dreams come true
Don't give up the fight
You will be all right
Cause there's no one like you
In the universe

Don't be afraid
What your mind conceals
You should make a stand
Stand up for what you believe
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible

And during the struggle
They will pull us down
But please, please let's use this chance to
Turn things around
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible

Do it on your own
Makes no difference to me
What you leave behind
What you choose to be
and whatever they say
Your soul's unbreakable

And during the struggle
They will pull us down
But please, please let's use this chance to
Turn things around
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible
Together we're invincible

And during the struggle
They will pull us down
Please, please let's use this chance to
Turn things around
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible
Together we're invincible


Tuesday, October 5, 2010


"Percaya dan yakinlah.....
saya sentiasa mendoakan kejayaan awak.
semoga awak berjaya dgn cemerlang.

sape agakye kirim,
msg ni kat ak,
ak rase cam salah no jer,
cbe dkenakan pon ade.....

mungkin mmbe lame nk kenekan ak,
krn no yg dgunakan,
b'asl dr negeri kelahiranku,
oleh itu ak biarkn ia tanpa respon....

maaf jika org yg m'anta msg itu,
benar2 ikhlas,
jika benar ikhlas,
ak ucapkn trima kasih...

krn mdpt msg cam2,
time ak nga xde mood,
bleh menaikn sket semangat ak,
jika ikhlas la....

ak xrase "DIA" yg m'anta msg itu,
sbb kami da lame xb'hubung,
slepas ak mlangkah kaki,
ke UTM KL....

lau salah no,
alangkah maluye ak,
bek ak lupakan sje bende ni,
misteri nye msg ni.....haish